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Visec Software Serial

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by prozerefin1972 2020. 3. 3. 03:32


Run the WMIC CommandOpen a Command Prompt window to get started. On Windows 10 or 8, right-click the Start button and select “Command Prompt”. On Windows 7, press Windows + R, type “cmd” into the Run dialog, and then press Enter.At the Command Prompt, type the following command and then press Enter: wmic bios get serialnumberYou’ll see the computer’s serial number displayed beneath the text “SerialNumber”.

This command uses the Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) tool to pull the system’s serial number from its BIOS.If you don’t see your PC’s serial number, blame your PC’s manufacturer. The number will only appear here if the PC manufacturer saved it to your computer’s BIOS or UEFI firmware. PC manufacturers don’t always fill in the number properly. In that case, you’ll see something like “0” or “To be filled by O.E.M.” instead of an actual serial number.RELATED:This is also true if you built your own PC because the PC itself won’t have a serial number. However, you can and other components.

Check the BIOSYou may also be able to find the serial number in the BIOS or UEFI firmware settings screen. This technique won’t get you a serial number if the wmic command didn’t, since the command pulls the serial number from the BIOS. However, checking the BIOS could be helpful if you can’t actually sign into Windows to run the wmic command.RELATED:and look around for a “Serial Number” somewhere on a system information screen. It’ll be in a different place on different PCs, but you can usually find it somewhere on the “Main” or “System” screen. Find the Serial Number On the PC’s Hardware, Box, or ElsewhereIf you don’t see a serial number after running the wmic command—or if you just can’t turn the PC on or don’t have access to it—there are several other places you might find the serial number:. If you have a laptop, flip it over.

On some laptops, you’ll see the number on a sticker. On others, you’ll see the number printed directly on the metal or plastic the laptop is made from. If your laptop has a removable battery, the serial number is sometimes on a sticker inside the battery compartment, under the battery. If you have a desktop PC, look at the back, top, or side of the case for some sort of sticker.


The number may also be on a sticker inside the case, so you might have to open it up. If you can’t find the serial number on the PC itself, look online for instructions specific to your model.

I have been playing with the little 433 MHz. Transceivers, and decided the Moteino family has several serious drawbacks. So I am designing my own radio board. The idea is to tie an RFM-22B to an ATTiny, which only has the job of operating (receiving/sending) the radio. Ideally, the ATTiny will be able to receive multiple radio packets and buffer them until they are requested (based on memory, of course).Now the RFM-22B radio has a 5 wire interface, MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS, and Interrupt (from the radio).

However, if the radio is the only SPI device, I should be able to tie the CS pin high and save a pin. So I would need four pins for the radio. The question is, can I then use the remaining two data pins to set up a software serial link back to another processor? Has anyone played with software serial on these chips?Thanks in advance for any insights.

Visec Software Free

You'd have to tie CS.low., I think.I think that could work, but you'd have to blow RSTDISBL to get the reset pin to act as an IO pin, and the chip is difficult to reprogram after you do that.I would suggest the ATTiny841. It works with Arduino (use my core), it's got more pins, a real hardware SPI, and real hardware serial ports, so you don't have to use software serial. In fact, it's got.TWO.

hardware serials, so you can put a bootloader on it and use serial0 to program it (as easily as if it were a pro mini), and serial1 for your radio thingie (if that makes sense for your application). They're not that expensive either (at least for bare chips - only a few cents more than an '84. )I actually did much the same thing with the cheapo OOK 433mhz transmitter/receiver units.

Take a look at the debris here (dates should give you an idea of what is recent and what isn't) for ideas: https://github.com/SpenceKonde/AzzyProjects/tree/master/433mhz. Having considerable experience with the hoperf device and other si4432 designs i assure you cs cant be tied anywhere. Its the basis for openlrs project with hundreds of thousands of users, probably #1 rc diy fanbase. If you could save a pin that way it would be big news.unlike with i2c there are almost as many spi protocols as there are device types. In this case we dont get lucky.this silabs chip is one of my favorite transceivers having more than 4 times the range of 2.4ghz units for same power output. And wonderful rssi capability and other features lacking in the popular and beloved nrf24l01. Cheap modules too, specially if you avoid the hoperf products in favor of generic chinese versions.i would be very impressed by anyone who could produce a custom design performing anywhere close to the commercial modules.

Visec Software Serial Online

Many tried, few succeed. Not so much a secret since its well known fm has amazing range compared to noise plagued am.

75 miles using 50 cent 433mhz module with minor mod and cheap ebay walkie talkie:regarding rf22b modules myself and dozens of others have personally received multiple reliable contacts over 2000km. Thats KILOMETERS, not meters:in both cases we are talking miles on milliwatts. Its sad watching inconsiderate boobs splattering interference all over the neighborhood using illegal boosters when all thats really needed is efficient antenna design and a good low noise front end.